Thursday 12 September 2013

HCG Diet Plan

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is the hormone produced in the placenta when one is expectant. Through the pregnancy it controls the metabolism via the hypothalamus. A popular program for weight loss involves HCG diet that includes a 500 caloric diet.HCG for fertility differs with that for diet and everything used is natural. The misconception that people have is that it is an extraction of animal or woman urine.

HCG diet plan is in three phases where the first 2 days one is expected to eat a high fat diet of up to 2000calories. In addition, one begins to take the HCG drops with a daily dose of 60 drops. This may vary with each individual depending with the health, goal for weight loss and the HCG being used. The aim of the high caloric diet is to ensure that the cells do not starve in the second phase that consists of a diet low in calories.

The second phase is commonly referred to us the VLCD(Very Low Caloric Diet). Each day one is expected to consume 500 calories. The diet plan needs to be strict with limitations to a few foods from the fruits, vegetable and protein groups. The duration for phase two is between 21 – 40 days when one is using the HCG drops. In addition, it still varies with the health and goals for weight loss set by the individual. The injections of HCG and the oral version alsohave their benefits in this diet plan. Towards the last 3 days the HCG is stopped and diet plan retained. This gives the body the opportunity to remove the HCG as it readiesitself for phase three.

Stabilization is the name of phase three which aid in metabolic stabilization in relation to the new weight. Three weeks after phase two, one needs to avoid starch and sugar.The sugars obtained from certain vegetables and fruits are not exempted. The diet should contain 1500 calories each day sourced from fruits, vegetables and proteins. The variety needs tobe increased unlike in phase two.

Cosmetics andmedicines are not used in the phases though one can take the pills for birth control and aspirin. Many love this dietplan as there is no exercising however,one cannot have massages. Like other weight loss programs, the HCG diet plan has its short comings. Some on this diet have had problems with the circulation of blood, restless, headaches, poor concentration and confusion depression and restlessness son after they take the HCG drops.

A physician needs to be consulted before one begins the HCG diet plan so as to know of the dangers. Therefore, one needs to obey all the instructions and eat as per the recommendation of each phase. For example, drinking milk less coffee or tea and mineralized water no matter the quantity at any time One type of vegetable is recommended during each meal and no oil should be used in their preparation. All this are good tips and one is guaranteed results at the end of phase three.

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